Books by the Iyengars

Light on Yoga
Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Light on Pranayama
Preliminary Course (for Beginners)
Intermediate Course
​The Path to Holistic Health
Iyengar Yoga for Motherhood​​
Yoga for Sports
Core of the Yoga Sutras
For more books about Iyengar Yoga, visit the IYNAUS store where members receive a 10% discount.
Practice Sequences
Immune Sequence
This sequence, designed to support the immune system, was distributed to students at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, when it was closed due to an outbreak of a virulent flu.
Emotional Stability
This sequence, which appears in B.K.S. Iyengar’s popular book Light on Life, offers a series of asana that calms the mind and cools the brain, balances the intellectual and emotional centers, stimulates positive thinking, and brings about inner silence.
Respiratory System
From CIYT Lois Steinberg, this sequence includes inversions, supine and prone poses to help maintain a healthy respiratory system.
Baddha Konasana
From CIYT Jackie Nett, this sequence explores the actions in Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) and links them to other poses.
Beat the Heat
From Arizona CIYT Barb Sato, this sequence of cooling and supported poses is perfect for our warm desert days.
Opening the Subtle Body
From Arizona CIYT Lauren Barnert-Hosie, this sequence utilizes “Head Diaphragm Breathing” to help the practitioner experience the subtle body.
Forward and Inward
From Arizona CIYT Terese Ireland, this sequence is designed to help you connect deeper inward to the infinite intelligence of the body that transforms heaviness to lightness.
Insomnia Sequence
From Nevada CIYT Rachel Polednak, this sequence should be done at night time to help improve your sleep.
Regional CIYT Articles and Blogs
Thriving in Challenging Times
By Carlyn Sikes, CIYT (August, 2021)
It is precisely for these times that we practice
By Cindy Berliner, CIYT (August, 2020)
The Chanting of AUM
By Barb Sato, CIYT (December, 2017)
The Story of Patañjali
By Barb Sato, CIYT (September, 2017)
How is an Iyengar Yoga Class Different?
By Barb Sato, CIYT (May, 2016)
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.
By Carlyn Sikes, CIYT
Yoga, a Quarter Horse and Me
By Carlyn Sikes, CIYT
Home Practice
By Carlyn Sikes, CIYT
Kinesiology and Yoga Body Knowledge
By Carlyn Sikes, CIYT​​